Romans 8:31 (NKJV) What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? It has to be pretty annoying for the enemy to be fighting a war he can’t win. No matter what happens, God will work it out for good (Romans 8:28). When trials come, we can count it ALL joy, knowing that the dark times produce treasures of patience, making us perfect and complete, lacking nothing (James 1:2-4).

God has given us peace – abiding peace that surpasses all understanding and guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (John 14:27, Phil 4:7). We can rejoice and be of good cheer because every situation we will ever face, God has already overcome and we are more than conquerors through Him (John 16:33, Romans 8:37). He gave us His mind so we can know the thoughts of God and we collaborate with Him to accomplish the ministry of reconciliation (1 Cor 2:16; 1 Cor 3:9; 2 Cor 5:19,20). God loves us extravagantly and eternally, so completely that no one and nothing will ever be able to stop His love for us (John 3:16; Romans 8:38,39).

He has anointed us with the oil of gladness more than our companions and gives us His joy (Heb 1:9, John 17:13). He will always supply all our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, and we can rest assured that the righteous will not be forsaken nor his/her descendants begging bread (Phil 4:19, Psalm 37:25). The Lord is our strength in time of trouble, and He will help us and deliver us (Psalm 37:39,40). He gives us weapons of warfare that are mighty for pulling down strongholds, and He gives us His armor so we can stand against the wiles of the devil (2 Cor 10:4, Eph 6:11). We have every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm and are already seated with Christ in heavenly places (Eph 1:3, Eph 2:6).

He has given us authority over all the power of the enemy and to heal the sick (Luke 10:19, Luke 9:1). He covers us with His feathers, and we take refuge under His wings (Psalm 91:4). Goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life, and His blessings are upon us and overtake us (Psalm 23:6, Deut 28:2). We can come boldly before the throne of grace for more mercy and grace any time we need it (Heb 4:16).